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Bir tasarımcı olarak beyaz rengin etkili olduğu tasarımlar, her zaman ilgimi çekmiştir.
Tasarımcıların, beyazdan ilham aldığı kişiye özel desenlemeler, figürler, işlemeler tercihimdir.
Beyaz, geçmişten günümüze uzanan bir tasarım yelpazesinin başlangıç noktasıdır benim için.
Beyaz tasarımlar, gelecek sezonun ilham kodlarını, yeni başlangıçlardan, yeni iş kuranlardan yeni
evlenenlerden alıyor. Bu tasarım yolculuğunda, yaratıcı tasarımlar, beyaz renkler, lüks olduğu
kadar sade dokularla heyecan verici altın, lame aksesuarlarla birlikte kullanılıyor.

As a designer, designs where white is used very effectively has always struck my attention. I prefer exclusive designs, figures and embroideries designers create inspired by white. To me, white is the starting point of a design range that comes from past to present… White designs take its inspiration codes for the next season from new beginnings, new jobs and newlyweds. In this design journey, exciting designs, white shades are used together with gold, lame accessories which are both luxurious and minimalist.



2012 yılı Nisan ayının starı olan beyaz altın, gümüş, platin kadar öne  çıkan bakırın yanı sıra parlak lake kadar mat lake hatta doğal ahşapla birlikte kullanılıyor. Gündemdeki ana temayı etkileyen tasarımlarda, beyaz renk sadece fiziksel rahatlamayı değil ruhsal rahatlamayı da etkiliyor. Beyaz tasarımların, kumaş seçimlerinde ise kotondan kadifeye kadar farklı malzemeler mevcut. Canlı doğa desenleri kadar pastel, güncel renkleri de beyazla birleştirerek seçiminizi yapabilirsiniz.

The star of 2012 April, white is used together with gold, silver, platinum as well as copper, and also polished or unpolished natural wood. In the designs that affect the actual main theme, white not only effects physical relaxation, but also spiritual relaxation. In the fabric selections of white designs, there are many different materials from cotton to velvet. You can make your choice by combining white with vibrant natural colors as well as pastel, popular colors.


Günümüzün modern yansımasıyla, geçmişi beyaz seçimlerinizde hissedebilirsiniz. Kuvvetli renklerle
parlak dokuları dore ve lame ışıltıları, aynaları, egzotik çiçekleri ve erotik, feminen çağrışımları
bir araya getirerek rahat mekan tasarımların yanı sıra şıklığı mekanlarınıza çağırabilirsiniz.

 In today’s modern approach, you can feel the past in white selections. By bringing together strong colors and bright structures and lame sparkles, mirrors, exotic flowers and erotic, feminine associations, you can recall comfortable space designs and also style to your locations.

Beyaz seçimlerle, yeni sezonu kendi stilinizle harmanlayarak, birleştirerek, çeşitlendirerek
evinizin her alanında, banyodan salona farklı dokuları buluşturarak sıcak güncel bir atmosfere
sahip olabilirsiniz. Beyaz yeni yaşamlar için yeni bir başlangıçtır. Bu sebeple yeni evlenenler beyazı
severler. Sizde yeni evlenenlerdenseniz ya da yeni bir hayata başlamak isteyenlerdenseniz beyaz seçimlerle
yeni bir başlangıç yapabilirsiniz.

 With white selections, you can blend, combine, diversify the new season with your own style, in every room in your house, from the bathroom to the living room, by introducing different structures and create a warm, contemporary atmosphere. White is a new start for new lives. Therefore, newlyweds like white. If you are also getting married or will start a new life, you can make a start by selecting white.As a designer, designs where white is used very effectively has always struck my attention. I prefer exclusive designs, figures and embroideries designers create inspired by white. To me, white is the starting point of a design range that comes from past to present… White designs take its inspiration codes for the next season from new beginnings, new jobs and newlyweds. In this design journey, exciting designs, white shades are used together with gold, lame accessories which are both luxurious and minimalist. The star of 2012 April, white is used together with gold, silver, platinum as well as copper, and also polished or unpolished natural wood. In the designs that affect the actual main theme, white not only effects physical relaxation, but also spiritual relaxation. In the fabric selections of white designs, there are many different materials from cotton to velvet. You can make your choice by combining white with vibrant natural colors as well as pastel, popular colors. In today’s modern approach, you can feel the past in white selections. By bringing together strong colors and bright structures and lame sparkles, mirrors, exotic flowers and erotic, feminine associations, you can recall comfortable space designs and also style to your locations. With white selections, you can blend, combine, diversify the new season with your own style, in every room in your house, from the bathroom to the living room, by introducing different structures and create a warm, contemporary atmosphere. White is a new start for new lives. Therefore, newlyweds like white. If you are also getting married or will start a new life, you can make a start by selecting white.


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